Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You Know You've Been in Nepal when...

- bal bhat just isn't the same if not served on a prison plate

- 'yes' is wobbling your head from side to side, not nodding

- a price is quoted, you immediatly offer half

- a bus stopping for 10 mins for no reason doesn't even register on your radar

- you answer when complete strangers call you sister

- $1.50 for breakfast and $3.00 for dinner is normal

- you expect to wait at least an hour at the restaurant for dinner to arrive. When it's faster than that it's cause for comment

- being offered pot in Thamel five times a day is normal

- you're happy to find a squat toilet because they're almost always cleaner than a western

- bring stared at and laughed at is part of life

- you haven't had pre-packaged food in four months

- 9am is sleeping in, 6:30-7am is normal to get up, and 11pm is late

- car horns are just part of the background noise

- not walking on the road is a luxury

- a hot shower is a rarity and a luxury

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