Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun Spellings/Pronunciations

Here are some of my favourite English mis-spellings, pronunciations and sayings from Nepal. No particular order.
-e-school, e-sprite, e-stretch. Just about any word that begins with 's' is pronounced with a long e at the beginning. Many people won't understand what you're saying unless you include the extra syllable!
-'Thank U' written on the cake we gave to the teachers. I wrote out the full word when we ordered it, but we got this anyway!
-in a textbook, 'qwessicums' instead of 'questions'
-"are you boring?" actually means "are you bored?"\
-Welcome is always written 'wel come'. Yes, two words
-English names have endless versions. Caitlin = Catlin, Caitin, Catin, Edward = Eteewad, Julia = Joellyea, Jully
-A bus labelled the 'of road express'. One 'f'

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