Monday, April 12, 2010

Teaching Update - Part 3

Snack, or 'casa' in Nepali, is made and served everyday by the school caretaker. It's always a curry, usually potato and cauliflower (which I've since found out is called govi curry), which is eaten mixed together with chura, or beaten rice. I'm not a fan of chura, although others seem to love it. It's too dry and chewy for my taste. I'm not so sure about the govi curry, but I love the chickpea curry, pea curry, and mostly, noodles.
All the teachers eat lunch together, and its the main social time of the day. Caitlin and I don't often know what is being said, but sometimes someone will translate some for us. And of course, we are always asked if the food is tasty, and if the tea is hot. Every day.
After lunch is another free period, and then it's on to Class 5, our last lesson of the day. W've had this class the least - there was a period near the Jubilee where I didn't teach them for 2 weeks! They're also a great class; at an age where they can sit queitly, but still love the games we play with them. There's a few kids that stand out, but not as many as in my two other classes.
At thyis point the school day is over for us (it's now 3:20), so we head either home or to Gorkha, unless there is something going on at school. There have been farewell ceremonies, prize giving, quiz competitions, and even a joke competition. It's quite a busy school!

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